Would You Like To Find The Root Cause Of Your Health Issues, Eliminate Them Once and For All, and Experience Total Health Freedom?

With the right labs, a fast implementation strategy, and ongoing support you can find health freedom without ever feeling overwhelmed.

Before we get started, let's get you set up with our signature

Journey To Wellness Call

  • On your call, you'll meet with a Journey to Wellness team member for a complete health history and to answer all your questions.
  • You will leave with a recommended course of testing based on your specific health issues and goals. Once you purchase your testing kits, you will set up an evaluation call to discuss the results and the next steps of your health journey.
  • After the lab results are in and you decide to move forward as a client, we'll work together over the next six months to get your health back on track and create the healthiest, most vibrant version of you!
  • No matter what you decide on the call, you will get a complete list of lab recommendations and answers to any questions.

Why Choose Journey To Wellness As Your Health Practitioner?

  • We specialize in a, no drug/no surgery approach to inflammation, chronic pain, blood sugar problems, hormone imbalance, and autoimmune and thyroid symptoms.
  • We also have an elevated wellness plan for people who are already living a fairly healthy lifestyle and who want to continue to age gracefully, feeling their absolute best.
  • You may not even know what's wrong, you just know you don't feel like yourself. You may lack energy or interest in things that used to light you up. You may have gained weight or can't lose weight no matter what you do.
  • Maybe you struggle with that elusive "brain fog" or can't seem to stabilize your mood swings. Whatever it is, we can help you regain - or find - the very best version of you.

Here's What You're Going To Discover As You Begin Your Journey To Wellness

The Root


Our Journey to Wellness team will discover the root cause of your weight and pain through a series of purposeful labs that will determine the path we set you on---a path customized for you.

The Path To Wellness

On the call, we'll put together the first part of your custom wellness plan and then commit to a follow-up meeting to further refine the strategy.

Hormones or Fatigue

As a doctor, it's not right to diagnose before questioning and testing. However, this test can share some immediate fixes that can last a lifetime.



All the answers about your pain, health, supplements, and fatigue can be answered on this private call with a Journey to Wellness team member.

Why Is It Important That You Meet With Us This Week?

Go From Hurting To Hopeful

We offer hundreds of different functional lab tests that your primary care physician does not usually order, Some of our most commonly used tests are: Food allergies, hormone mapping, comprehensive stool sample, inflammatory panel, expanded diabetes panel, comprehensive thyroid evaluation, Mold testing, OATS testing, and autoimmune panels.

Our Services Include

Complete Thyroid Evaluation

Many thyroid issues are because of underlying health problems. Around 80% of thyroid sufferers have an underlying autoimmune disease such as Hashimoto’s or Grave’s disease that goes undiagnosed.

Hormone Testing

We do our testing in urine instead of blood so that we can get more information including hormone levels, adrenal fatigue markers, neurotransmitter panel for mood and energy, nutrient deficiencies, and inflammatory markers. Our hormone and adrenal testing is the most comprehensive test available.

Gut Restoration

Leaky gut syndrome is a result of an unhealthy and imbalanced gut. This health condition, also referred to as increased intestinal permeability, can lead to several uncomfortable symptoms and conditions for your body. This is why it’s essential to address and treat leaky gut syndrome as soon as possible.

Weight Loss

There are common reasons why people gain weight or struggle to lose weight that have very little to do with diet and exercise. Through functional testing, we can find and correct the cause of your weight issues and help you get long-term solutions.

Here's What Our Clients Have To Say About Working With Us!

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With Journey To Wellness, You Will Discover What To Do To Find Health Freedom Without Being Forced To Take Unnecessary Pills

Clients who experience the best results:

  • Keep an open mind about how the process works and be willing to follow the plan and protocols laid out for them.
  • Are seeking a long term health solution and wish to experience HEALTH FREEDOM.
  • Understand that health is the foundation to a full, vibrant life.
  • Are willing to invest in the testing and labs required to build out your custom health plan.
  • Want to find a health practitioner that doesn't dismiss their ailments and won't subscribe unnecessary pills.

Take Back Control of Your Health and Register For Your Complimentary Journey To Wellness Plan, Today!

Within an hour you're going to have the recommendations necessary to create your very own Journey to Wellness. We're not like any other health practitioner, and we'd love to show you how we would take you from hurting to hopeful with just a few tweaks to your current health plan.

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This site is not affiliated with Facebook™, Meta™, Instagram, ™, Google™, or Youtube™. Each company owns individual trademarks for each entity and in no way supports the claims made on this page. When you "Register" for the call, you accept future communication from The Journey To Wellness Team. You also understand the call will only be valuable to you if you are willing to invest in the Labs and the Journey To Wellness Program.